Mature Women with Dogs

Life is Eternal, Love is Immortal, Death is Only a Horizon


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Cici my love bug from August 2006 to September 12, 2019

My memorial/tribute to my baby dog, unicorn puppy Cici 





Josie, 75, lives in car with 2 mini poodles; Sara, 62, lives in car with Teddy Bear doggie; Jenny, 48, lives in car with terrier; Pat, 78, lives in car with terrier; me and my Cici bug 13 who has just gone over the Rainbow (September 12, 2019).
would you be willing to house 8-10 mature women w/dogs by donating doors, windows, porta-potties, carpet, frog tape, paint, roofing materials & more, also need blankets, sleeping bags, more info here, thx,
People Just Like You and Me
We are all mature women with dogs without homes. And there are 1,000+ mature women, many with dogs, like us, without homes in the Monterey, CA area. A very wealthy community that has 2-3 affordable apartments for seniors.
Am a published professional writer/editor who worked for Best Friends doing PR years ago. Had a dog travel blog, Have Dog Blog Will Travel for 12 years. Am looking to start a nonprofit to help house mature women with dogs. Can you help us?


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Four Paws Up Press

Savvy Pack Leaders Give Their Doggie Businesses A BonaFide Four Paws Up Press Release a Month


Dog Friendly Content Creator, Writer, Editor Announces Affordable Four Paws Up Press Release a Month and Professional Writing/Editing Services for K9 Approved Pet Services


Don’t you love to give your dog a bone, belly rubs and tasty treats to show them how much you appreciate them? It’s just as important to give your dog friendly business a bonafide Four Paws Up Press Release a Month to establish yourself as a Pack Leader and enhance your business success.

I’ve created content, obtained media coverage, written articles, fundraising letters and more for animal sanctuary and rescue services including Best Friends Animal Society, pet authors, veterinarians, doggie daycare facilities, pet friendly lodging (hotels, B&B’s, inns) and travel destinations and other K9 approved pet product and services companies.

Links and listings to my writing credentials, dog book reviews, fundraising letters and article clips and samples can be found at Have Dog Blog will Travel and here

My Tail Wagging services include writing and distributing one press release per month, fundraising letters, press kit creaton, editing, writing, and targeted distribution, web site content and editing, and publicity campaigns (from bare bone blogs to Customized Campaigns and consulting. The various services are available at reasonable per-project fees.

Well-crafted, K9 approved, professionally written promotional materials are as important to the success of any doggone pet business as tasty treats and bones are to a dog. While veterinarians, pet groomers, pet authors, pet friendly innkeepers and pet rescue organizations, may love animals and be barking good at what they do, they may struggle to develop professionally produced and compelling promotional materials that bark to their bottomline. Teaming up with a professional writer and a pack of other pet related businesses may be one key to supporting their success.

Here are twelve tips and strategies for a year long campaign.


the media and the rest of the world are discussing New Year’s Resolutions… If you are considering garnering publicity or writing press releases for your dog or cat book, veterinary practice, pet rescue organization, shelter or pet related product or service business, it’s a good time to get started to obtain Four Paws Up Press.

Maybe press release writing is on your Should list of resolutions, along with I should lose weight, stop smoking and start an exercise program. Perhaps I should network and get out into the community more (if only I had the time), I should write a book, I should put a blog on my website could also be on your I should list. While your Should list sits on the shelf waiting for you to take some action, have you ever noticed that the more you procrastinate, the more dust gathers and that eventually your entire Should list ends up swept underneath the carpet where it becomes a mountain high obstacle that looms and overwhelms and you wind up just forgetting the whole thing?

So what keeps us from acting in our own best interest? Well, many people are afraid of public speaking. In fact, according to a Gallup poll, most would prefer to die than speak in public. Picking up a pen and writing something down is another fear many people have. Perhaps you had a mean English teacher who put the fright of the pen into you. On top of these anxieties, many folks are mystified by the entire public relations process. At best, you may have mixed feelings about enhancing your visibility. That’s why you are in the Should club in the first place. It’s precisely the very things that are good for us that we tend to postpone, delay, and put off for some day (the day between Sunday and Monday). Why? We were taught in school, by parents, and society that it isn’t nice to brag or boast or we might get a swell head and a big ego. 

Nobody likes a braggart. And then perhaps you had a sibling who got a lot of attention for being sick, weak or even in trouble a lot. As the good guy or gal, you got a pat on the head or told you can do better. Your room never seemed to be clean enough, the grades were never enough, or the chore list went on forever. Some people give up; some try harder, always frustrated, never enough. Never good enough.

Just a suggestion but there is a way to solve this dilemma. You could make a commitment and join the Four Paws Up Press Release a Month Club. You could commit to writing at least one press release a month and putting the word out about your veterinary practice, pet rescue organization or shelter or pet related product or service business. Even if you just put up a website with info where people can find you. Or write articles for newspapers and magazines.

Below are some other ideas to make it easy for you. Write a press release or article for every month of the year and focus upon holidays.


Write a press release about New Year’s Resolutions (how can your particular practice tie-in to that topic?) Perhaps you can offer tips about pet care management, benefits of ongoing vet care or how to find a great vet (pet sitter, pet massage therapist, doggie daycare or whatever your specific pet related business is).


Write a press release related to Valentine’s Day. Puppy love or Famous Cats and Dogs Getting Along are perfect for the month of love and romance. Write a humorous, quirky entertaining and educational tips list for pet owners and your readers (and potential new clients) will love it.


Write a press release with a St. Patrick’s Day theme. Or create a funny holiday such as Green pet day and then tell the world. Take photos, videos and send them along to the media. A lawyer in Las Vegas did a yearly St. Patrick’s Day party in June every year.


Write a press release about Easter topics, rejuvenation, redemption, forgiveness and how these tie into pets. Everyone loves a good heartwarming tale. Perhaps you could cite how your practice saved a pet, rescued a pit bull, or inspired a million dollar donation to a good pet cause.


Write a press release about spring, Cinco de Mayo or summer plans. Also, Dog Spas and Canine rehabilitation are very in and trendy. Partner with other pet-related businesses and organizations. Co-sponsor a contest or special promotion or fundraiser giving donations/proceeds to a pet rescue charity. Suggestion: if you put on an event, promote it at least six months ahead of time (ideally) or at least three months ahead of time for maximum coverage.


Write a press release on tips for how to keep pets safe, cool and hydrated during the summer heat. Or create a fun dogs who work for a living need a break day.


Write a press release about keeping pets safe on July 4th or nifty vacation tips and pet travel that include a visit to the vet before, or afterwards. And/or what to do in case of a pet emergency, first aid kit for pets. How to find a great kennel, boarding facility and/or pet sitter.


Write a press release with tips on swimming with your dog and enjoying the Dog Days of Summer at the Beach.


Write a press release about pet separation anxiety.


Write a spooky press release with photos about the pet costume party that you are sponsoring.


Write a press release about Thanksgiving, with recipes for healthy pet food and treats.


Write a press release on pet gift giving, highlighting unique and funny high tech pet gifts, products and services, that you just happen to sell.

Be sure to post these press releases on your website and distribute the releases to your media contact list and via online press distribution services.

Voila, congratulations, another whole year has gone by and you have written one press release a month. See how much easier that was than shoulding the press release writing under the carpet? Be sure to note each month and at the end of the year, how much your business expanded. 

Have you become a local or national celebrity, garnered more traffic to your website, been invited to speak at meetings or conferences? Tally up the results you’ve accrued, they may surprise you.

Four Paws Up Press now offers a Do It Yourself Kit that is specific to veterinary practice, pet rescue organization or shelter and pet related product or service businesses (there are also industry specific kits for authors, doctors, green businesses, entrepreneurs and products for women, too). If you really don’t want to do the work, hire a press release writer or publicist to work the kit for you.

Call 702-225-8206 or Write me at news writer at, and I will send you more info about the Four Paws Up Press Release a Month Club/Kit and how to write press releases that get published.